musician | songwriter | producer | mixer

Stationed on an old, abondoned Air Force base near the sea, in the English countryside.

Who I am (generally speaking).

So, my parents drove to a hospital nearby to the festival they were working at just in time for me to be born. Quite cool really. My Father was a sound engineer. My Mother is a singer. I grew up at gigs and festivals, which was fun. Started playing drums at 7. Guitar and bass at 11. Keyboards at 14. Started recording things at 15. Finished school (just about) then moved to Bristol and worked in a studio there for a bit. After that I moved to London. Sang in a couple of bands. Played in Laura Marling’s band for a while then started playing with Keane. I was asked to join the band ‘officially’ in 2011. Good band. Underrated. In 2014 I set up an arts centre in the countryside called Old Jet, where I have my studio. What else. I have a motorbike I barely ever ride. I wish I was a bit taller. I like whiskey with ginger ale. Hair’s thinning a bit which sucks. Got a wife and two kids who I’m quite fond of. Own a lot of books but don’t read much. Absolutely love making music.

That’s about it.

Current work…

Autumn 2023

I’ve just finished an EP called Hidden Truth for Universal Production Music/Chappell. I have production sessions coming up with new Communion Records signing Esme Emerson, Brian Eno collaborator Tom Rogerson and the excellent singer King Charles. I have also been working on some ambient music with my friend Will Bloomfield.

Previous work…